Sunday, November 17, 2013

There's no place like Buffalo and Western New York

As I'm sitting here out of town, watching the palm trees sway in the breeze,  it occurred to me.....there's no place like Western New York!

Sure, the snow and cold is frustrating for a few months of the year, but without it we'd miss out on so much!  

Hockey (Buffalo Sabres, through the good and the bad) are a huge part of WNY life - and as I sat here listening to the play-by-play on my iPhone the last few nights because I couldn't find the game on TV, I realized that I can't live in a non-hockey town!  Or, really, a non-Sabres town! Through the good and the bad (and yes, we're experiencing the bad) I'm a Sabres fan that needs her fix!

Western New Yorkers love their skiing, and we have so many great places to do it!  Kissing Bridge and Holiday Valley are just an hour away, and provide a great day (or weekend!) of skiing and snowboarding.  There are also several private ski areas within an hour's drive of downtown Buffalo.  If you're a skier, it's a great place to live!

Yes, I said I'd miss snow.  As I was shopping for beach supplies this weekend, it just seemed somehow wrong to see Christmas decorations up next to sunscreen and surf wax!  Even though I hate driving in the white stuff, I can't imagine Christmas without cold and a dusting of snow - it's just the way it's supposed to be for me!

Cold Weather Fashion
I admit it - if I lived in a warmer climate, I'd miss my Northface, my Uggs, my Sorels, and all my other warm weather gear that I bundle up in when I go out and face the cold.

So, back to Buffalo I'll go tonight, thankful for the few days I spend in this warm paradise every few months, and even more thankful to call Buffalo my home!  Now - I just have to decide where to stop for a snack on the way home from the airport tonight.  So many great Buffalo food choices!  But that's a topic for another day.

Remember - if you're ready to make Buffalo and WNY your home, call us to help!  The Maxian Culeton Team is only an email, phone call, or text away for all of your real estate buying and selling needs.

The Maxian Culeton Team at HUNT Real Estate ERA
Jennifer Maxian - Associate Broker
Michael Culeton - Real Estate Salesperson
8780 Sheridan Drive
Williamsville, NY 14221
(716) 633-5350
Jennifer direct - (716) 946-6112
Michael direct - (315) 402-0208

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